Windows 2008 / 2008 R2 End of Life January 2020

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On January 14, 2020, it’s the End of Life (EOL) for Microsoft’s support for Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 which means the end of regular security updates. Don’t let your infrastructure and applications go unprotected. We’re here to help you migrate to current versions for greater security, performance, and innovation.

What does this mean if you are currently using any of these products?

It means the end of sales, end of support and end of monitoring and updates. As a result, security would be an issue leaving users vulnerable to attack and exploitation. Bottom line, any business or individual that is operating any of these systems come January 14, 2020, will be in jeopardy.

Current MTBW Clients

As your managed services provider (MSP) and IT support company, we are prepared and ready to help you transition to the latest operating system and server. MTBW Services representatives will be reaching out to all our clients that have Windows 2008 / 2008 R2 servers to discuss upgrade options.

Need Assistance?

If you have questions or need a managed services provider MTBW Services is here to discuss your options. This is an extremely important deadline, so please don’t let your servers enter an unsupported state with all the security issues within the current IT world. To stay ahead of the curve, start planning for EOL dates now.

Contact us to strategically update your software and hardware to avoid placing your business, users, and customers at risk.

IT Solutions, Information Technology Provider Maryland, Virginia, DC

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